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Salem's Siamese Posing Guide

We all love siams, and we all love showing, but what happens when you want to combine the two?  How many HOURS have you spent trying to get that perfect pose out of your meezer?  Or even your meezer mix who, delightfully, has the SCP?


Well, never fear!  I've been around...a while...and have managed to perfect a few techniques to help you!  These do still require patience mind, so prepare for that.


What does a Siamese pose look like?



Here are the 4 possible outcomes to posing a Siamese.  They are:

#1 - Standard PFM catz pose (hardest)
#2 - Sitting Pose (easiest)

#3 - Standing pose (medium difficulty)

#4 - Love potion pose (easy-medium difficulty)


With all poses, your success relies heavily on alignment, but we will talk about it later.


So how do I get them?








I'll start with #1 because it is the hardest and also my preferred method, despite the fact it take the longest time.  A Standard PFM catz pose is one that 7/10 of the original breeds will perform when prompted by taking a photo.  Alley Catz, Siamese and Orange Shorthair can do it, but they also have their own version of a pose too, so in order to get a standard pose from one of these breedz, I use this method.  It is sometimes known as 'the door method'.


How To: 

If you are playing with your meezer, you will need to put it away.

- Select your meezer from the list of adopted petz.

- As your meezer comes out DO NOT be tempted to press the space bar. Not yet.

- Guide your meezer into alignment using your cursor, but with movement only.  DO NOT click your mouse!

- Your meezer should start to pose, but this will not happen every time, so do not feel disheartened.  If it doesn't pose, pop it away and try again.

- If your meezer poses, regardless of alignment, press that space bar, snap a pic and then pet your meezer.  This method does involve a small amount of training (yes! meezers can be taught to pose!)

- Rinse and repeat!  Alignment will come with time and practice.

- Your ideal pose will have a nice curved tail at the catz highest breathing point and level eyelids.











Now onto #2 and the absolute easiest of all the poses!  Your meezer will want to do this naturally at every opportunity, so all you need to work on is the alignment.


How To: 

- Set your meezer up into position as if you were taking a standard pose.  This should, with a little adjustment here and there, give you the perfect alignment.

- Press the space bar and your meezer will likely sit straight down and stare ahead.

- When they close their eyes and throw their head back, that's your pose!

- Your ideal pose will make the meezer seem like it is in profile with as little of the opposite eye and ear visible as possible, and a straight or slightly curved tail.











#3 requires a little more than #2 but is a natural Siamese trait, so you just need to get the cat into the right position.


How To: 

- Set your meezer up into position as if you were taking a standard pose.  This should, with a little adjustment here and there, give you the perfect alignment.

- You will need the love potion/perfume bottle for this one and you should give the catz a quick spray.  If you want a right face pose (as above) you will need to spray twice or align your catz to the left first.

- The meezer will jump and look scared (but don't worry, you're just making them horny) but if you begin pressing the space bar, they should stretch into this pose.

- Your ideal pose will have a catz at its fullest stretch, a nice straight tail and the front legs aligned as much as possible so you really only see one.











#4 is another consequence of using the love potion/perfume method.


How To: 

- Set your meezer up into position as if you were taking a standard pose.  This should, with a little adjustment here and there, give you the perfect alignment.

- You will need the love potion/perfume bottle for this one and you should give the catz a quick spray.  If you want a right face pose (as above) you will need to spray twice or align your catz to the left first.

- The meezer will jump and look scared (but don't worry, you're just making them horny) and wait.  DO NOT press the space bar yet!

- You meezer should begin to pose, so press the space bar and snap your pose!

- Your ideal pose will be almost identical to #1 except the cat will have either worried eyelids (shown) or, if you have annoyed it enough and timed it perfectly, angry eyelids.  This is harder to achieve because the cat will often tilt its head at the same time.




So there you have it!  Easy really, right? Gin thinks so.









Pro tip: Methods #1 and #4 methods work for Alley Catz too!


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